Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The World Is Here!

Unfortunately much still exist to this day, all though there has been much improvement over the past years of people being more acceptable of other cultures and embracing other influences, there are still struggles that many people encounter still due to race, religion, color, etc. as Ishmael Reed wrote in his editorial  It has been several times that I myself have been able to overhear other peoples conversations and see how prejudice or unwilling they are to broaden their horizons and see how our diverse culture has molded us and allowed, possibly forced us to progress economically, industrially and culturally. If the chauvinism and xenophobia in the world did not exist today we would not have allot of the extremist groups we see today that have caused many atrocities today but also in the past to name a few the 911 attacks on The Twin Towers in New York, the Nazi and the genocide of the Jewish people, and the Christian Crusades. Even governments trying to be a super power over the other instead of helping each other freely to overcome obstacles and work together to help improve every one as a whole.

Both Ishmael Reed and Oliver Goldsmith share similar views at to being tolerant and accepting that the worlds cultures are blending although centuries apart both are still able to see that prejudice, chauvinism and xenophobia exist and to this day as I stated above. It seems like it goes on to prove that this is nothing new and that many people do face on a day to day life. It is interesting me though that Oliver Goldsmith was very opened minded given his time of not having as much information readily available like Ishmael Reed like: travel, broader newspapers,  internet, and tv to name a few. Goldsmith comment, “…he would not be unable to form such a conclusion unless he was to travel and meet citizens of those countries,” he gave to the gentleman when asked about his insight was very enlightening given the idea that history has taught us the people in our past were less acceptable to new ideas and customs and that moving on to today we are a little more tolerant of change and I believe largely is due to the ease of access of information and be able to manipulate the information for our benefit.

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