Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Must Be Nice To Have A Wife

   Throughout the entire passage Judy Brady expresses her argument in every way: from the heart, from character, from values, and from facts and reason.  She is very clear in stating that just because in this case a wife is stay home does not mean that her duties are any less or troublesome than the husband and that many things can go unnoticed on a day to day basis. Her style of writing kind of reminds me of Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have A Dream…” speech because of the repetition of a particular phrase to make their point. In the past this has proven to be an very effective form of writing to basically drill into the audiences head what they are trying to accomplish, another good example of this method although I do not agree for what he used it for but was an effective speaker never the less was Hitler. Its seems as Brady was mainly targeting what could easily be described as “chauvinist males” because in that period of time it kind of was understandable that women did need to accomplish all of these duties and then some because of their role as “supporters” but not only was her main target “chauvinist males”  but “suppress women” who needed to know that there job is just as important, but in my opinion way more, as their husbands in maintaining not only themselves, their husband, their children,  their house, their career, and the members of the family together and individually social life. Much has changed and has improved for women thru the women’s right movement but small pieces of our linger past can still be seen in some matrimonies.

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